AMS September Interesting Blogs
Below are links of two interesting blogs that the Montessori American Society has published and shared with Gateway as one of its members. These are the September Blogs we chose to share with you dear community members.
We hope that these topics would meet your interest and would give a glimpse of how Montessori approaches to learning around the world is impacting its communities and are positively influencing its students as lifelong learners.
The first blog is titled: The World Through a Child's Lens: To look through the lens of a child is to see a fresh view on the world. Early educators, especially, have the opportunity to witness this daily. The prejudices that many adults obtain from years of living are not evident in younger children. This can produce a viewpoint that is free from knowledge of past experiences. These new views could also be new to the teacher, thus teaching something to the educator.
Below is the link for this Blog:
The second blog" Who is Maria Montessori?" celebrates Maria Montessori's Birthday, which was on August 31st, 1970. The blog throws light on how she was a remarkable woman, an activist and an education revolutionary, whose hopes for social justice continue to be advocated for across the globe more than 100 years later.
Below is the link for this Blog:
Finally, Gateway staff members are looking forward to open its School doors on September 18th to our dear students, hoping that this year would add ample of positive attributes, knowledge, and joy to to our students' minds, hearts, and souls.
Wish you an enjoyable and illuminative reading.