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SEN Division | Special Education Needs Division in Gateway School in Egypt

SEN Division | Special Education Needs Division in Gateway School in Egypt

Blooming Minds | Autism Support Starts Here

In Gateway International Montessori School and in cooperation with Chance Center, we believe in our SEN Division in The Power of Personalized support and Expert Guidance to Empower Children with Autism Aged 3-7 Blossom. 

Our Dedicated Team, led by A BCBA, Utilizes The Proven ABA Method to Foster Positive Behaviors, Communication Skills, and Academic Progress. 

Our Children Experience the Magic of a Welcoming Environment That Embraces Sensory Needs and Encourages Gradual Integration into Regular Classes. We Are More Than Just a Program; We Are a Family-Centered, Supportive Community Where Your Child Can Flourish.

Individualized Learning Plans (IEPS)

Every Child Navigates Learning Differently. That's Why We Craft Personalized IEPS, Maps to Unlock Your Child's Unique Potential. These Plans Focus On Academic Strengths and Challenges, Setting Achievable Goals and Celebrating Every Step Along the Way.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Imagine Positive Strategies Guiding Your Child's Growth. ABA Therapy, Overseen by A BCBA, Empowers Them With Communication Skills, Social Interaction Tools, And Self-Management Techniques. Watch Their Confidence Bloom as They Master New Behaviors!

Speech and Language Therapy

Every Word Matters. Our Passionate Speech Therapists Help Your Child Find Their Voice, Strengthening Communication Skills. Whether It's Building Vocabulary, Expressing Emotions, Or Navigating Social Interactions, We're Here to Support Every Voice.

Parental Involvement

Fine and Gross Motor Skills? We've Got It Covered! Occupational Therapists Work with Your Child to Master Daily Activities, From Buttoning Buttons to Playing On the Playground. Watch Their Independence Blossom as They Conquer Everyday Challenges.

Social Skills Development

Friendship Is an Art. Our Nurturing Environment Provides Opportunities for Your Child to Learn and Practice Social Skills. Through Engaging Activities and Expert Guidance, They Build Confidence in Interactions, Forming Lasting Friendships Along the Way.

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)

Imagine Positive Strategies Guiding Your Child's Growth. ABA Therapy, overseen by A BCBA, Empowers Them with Communication Skills, Social Interaction Tools, And Self-Management Techniques. Watch Their Confidence Bloom as They Master New Behaviors!

Sensory Integration Support

Every Child Experiences the World Differently. We Understand That, And Create a Sensory-Friendly Environment That Adapts to Individual Needs. From Calming Spaces to Stimulating Activities, We Ensure Your Child Feels Comfortable and Empowered to Learn.

Gradual Integration Plans

Ready, Set, Integrate! We Believe in Gentle Transitions. Our Step-By-Step Integration Plans Allow Your Child to Seamlessly Experience Regular Classes, Building Confidence and Skills for Future Success.

Parental Involvement

Fine and Gross Motor Skills? We've Got It Covered! Occupational Therapists Work With Your Child To Master Daily Activities, From Buttoning Buttons To Playing On The Playground. Watch Their Independence Blossom As They Conquer Everyday Challenges.

Occupational Therapy

Fine and Gross Motor Skills? We've Got It Covered! Occupational Therapists Work with Your Child to Master Daily Activities, From Buttoning Buttons to Playing On the Playground. Watch Their Independence Blossom as They Conquer Everyday Challenges.

Support Teacher

For Additional One-On-One Guidance, A Dedicated Shadow Teacher Can Provide In-Class Support, Reinforcing Essential Skills and Strategies Learned Through Other Services.

Physical Education (PE)

Move and Groove! Our Inclusive PE Program Encourages Healthy Habits and Motor Skills Development in A Fun and Supportive Environment.

Art Programs

Colors, Textures, And Endless Possibilities! Our Art Programs Provide a Platform For Self-Expression And Skill Development.

Music Classes

Unleash The Inner Musician! Music Brings Joy and Fosters Creativity.

Related Links

Special Education Needs Division Q&A Podcast

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