IB World School


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Teachers' Workshop

Teachers' Workshop

Creating Peaceable Learning Communities through Informed Classroom Leadership
This workshop is designed to help teachers understand the unique dynamics of a Montessori approach to discipline for children at every level. Workshop participants will learn about the philosophy and methodology of Maria Montessori’s approach to discipline and how her insights and methods, developed over a century ago, still inform our work today. Teachers will explore the three levels of obedience and the preparation of both the teacher and the environment. Teachers will survey the basic needs of children and identify how the Montessori classroom provides an appropriate framework for meeting our most fundamental needs. Teachers will learn how to create a classroom culture that includes the perfect balance of nurturing and reasonable limit setting so that children evolve, grow and learn to be self-disciplined and internally motivated to make positive choices in their ever day behaviors. Practical use of such skills and techniques as using Encouraging Language, Affirmation, Class Gatherings, I-Statements, Logical and Natural Consequences, and Firm versus Soft Language and Actions will also be presented and practiced. An overview of the strategies and skills children need to develop peaceable behaviors will also be introduced.